What is self-mastery and why do I talk about it constantly?
You could say I’m a big believer in people. Their potential is unreal, yet most of us drift through life never realizing that potential.
An individual undergoing self-mastery flourishes. Their heart is full of love and compassion, they are dynamic and mentally flexible, they become builders instead of mere consumers. They change the world around them for the better, and we need more of that.
I would say that the idea of mastery itself has been watered down in recent years, so in order to distinguish my proven techniques from the sea of fluff, I will often refer back to the ultimate self-mastery technique or the best ways to master the self.
You have an insane amount of potential, and I want to bring it out of you. It’s as simple as that.
If you are interested in what self-mastery can do for you, read on.
The Ultimate Self-Mastery Technique
So what are the steps to self-mastery? If you have been in this space a while, you have probably heard all the basics: cut out seed oils, get more sleep, lift weights.
Granted, those things will make a positive impact on your life. There’s no doubt about it.
However, that is simply what I would call physical mastery. Important, but it’s just one part of a larger holistic puzzle.
In order to become self-actualized, you must also focus on mental mastery, emotional mastery, and spiritual mastery. Then you must synthesize what you have acquired from all four areas into one coherent life methodology.
As I have written about before, this can seem needlessly complex and arcane for those who aren’t used to living a life of extreme self-discipline. It’s more beneficial to work from the root, and that means focusing in on a handful of solid techniques that actually yield substantial results.
I would say the single most important step you can take on the way to mastering your Self is the development of your awareness.
Self-awareness is how you relate your thoughts, emotions, and actions to the world around you, how you process the data you collect, and how you respond to your own thinking patterns.
Most of us have horrid self-awareness. This is one area even your favorite Twitter gurus and mindfulness coaches often miss, and what has set my teachings apart for the better part of the last 20 years.
To use an example, let’s take two otherwise similar individuals. They both wind up in a multi-car pile up on a freeway. They are both headed to work on an ordinary weekday morning.
Someone working from a state of self-awareness will not be flustered. They will calmly assess the situation, call their loved ones to reassure them that things are OK, and will lend a hand to those in need. They will control the situation and remain stoic in the chaos, leading with a compassionate heart and feeling no fear.
Someone working from a lack of self-awareness will not only be full of fear, they will be full of anger. They will blame the poor driving skills of other motorists for the way they feel, they will rant and rave and ask the police “when this mess will be cleared up.” They will vent and perhaps even snap at loved ones and passers by. Even if they are a relatively calm and “nice” person on an ordinary day, this event shatters the veneer and leaves them an emotional wreck, full of frustration and hate.
The difference is stark. One person is self-aware and works from a place of True Sight, the other person is lost in a sea of darkness, a victim of their own thinking patterns.
In this scenario, the benefits of self-mastery are on full display. Someone who has cultivated their awareness is inwardly happy, far more useful to those around them, can better exert their will, and can regulate their own energy.
I preach self-mastery because it is quite literally your key to a better life. I see how it has impacted my own life and the fortune it has brought me is incredibly significant - almost supernaturally so.
The ultimate self-mastery technique that will kindle your awareness is training your relational awareness. This begins by understanding your connection with the world around you on every level.
The Pyramid of Self-Mastery
Everything starts with awareness.
Without that ability to operate from a relational standpoint, it is difficult if not impossible to reflect inward and therefore come to an understanding about your Self and the world that is both accurate and beneficial.
Variations of the pyramid of self-mastery are often used to illustrate the stages of evolution one goes through in order to self-actualize.
Self-awareness, the ability to recognize the quality of your thoughts and actions and how they affect your world.
Self-exploration, the ability to reflect inward and analyze your Self on a fundamental level.
Self-understanding, often referred to as innerstanding, the ability to know why you think and do certain things, you grasp your body and mind as a doctor would a long-term patient.
Self-love, the ability to accept your Self, thereby allowing deep change to take place. This is where negative habits and thoughts melt away, leaving only balance and serenity.
The Point of Transformation is where you are fully aware of the Path and are undergoing constant evolution.
Self-mastery sets in, you are in full control of Self. You command your mind as a conductor would an orchestra, and therefore your body and the world around you follows.
Oddly enough, the most difficult part of this journey is the gap between blindness and awareness. For some this is a gulf as wide as the Grand Canyon. Decades are spent scrambling in the dark, chasing crumbs of wisdom and false belief systems, until old age sets in and the mind coagulates.
The lost element that rarely gets mentioned is connection.
Connection is the Key
As I detailed at length in my book, Fearless Self, connection is the heart of self-mastery.
One of the greatest hurdles to self-actualization, for most people, is overcoming the identity aspect of ego. The ego forms the boundaries of what we believe is possible and therefore will constrain your ability to “reach out” on a subatomic or mental level.
Learning how to extend and “feel” your own energy is a critical part of the self-mastery process, but is difficult to achieve for those who deeply associate with the ego.
Connection is not just about reaching out to other people and learning how to relate to them on an emotional or even metaphysical level. Deep connection that raises awareness is more primal than this.
Train your Self to relate to everything in your orbit. Extend your Self into the trees, take time to feel and embody the breeze on your face, keep your mind open and calm no matter what is going on around you.
Over time you will notice that your awareness will heighten, because connectivity is what drives awareness.
The current state of most people is one of extreme isolation. They are cut off from the world around them on all levels, including the physical. They are in a bubble of extreme ego, and in this state self-awareness and therefore self-mastery is impossible.1
In this limited state, you may feel as though you are living in a time loop, just repeating the same patterns, experiencing the same negative scenarios, having the same streaks of bad luck. This is not by accident.
By design, life is about evolution. In order for us to evolve, we must be pushed and challenged. However the ego fights these changes because it constructs are hard shell of illusion and isolation.
Connectivity helps open us up so we can become aware of the greater world, and therefore overcome the limited parameters of the ego.
Sages may have many lessons to teach, but this is perhaps one of the most important. The kernal of self-awareness must be nurtured in order to walk the Path.
Waking Up to Your Own Power
The basic concepts behind self-mastery are not complicated, but putting this wisdom into practice can seem abstract if you are only just starting out.
Waking up is as simple as living in the present - “stopping to smell the roses.” Be mindful of your thoughts and actions - take time out of your day to reflect and extend your awareness outside of your body.
If you practice this enough, not only will you overtake the ego but your spatial awareness will increase, which is what will enable you to become powerful.
That space between exploration and understanding is incredibly transformative. Once you grasp where the root of your power is - in your self-awareness - the Path will open to you naturally.
Keep working on it and you will see results after a time. If you need guidance, let this space be your home. Always remember, real self-work is difficult but it promises great rewards. It is this work that will help you realize your power and potential.
Following the ego always leads to a smaller and smaller lifescape that revolves around an increasingly overblown set of delusions. This crude state blocks your ability to manifest or control your own life, which creatives a negative feedback loop that favors what the ego wants. The only escape is deep self-reflection that penetrates the illusion.